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Slovensko, krajina v srdci Európy


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International Education Society

International Education Society

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Pondelok, 20 Február 2012 18:41

The school was set up in 1965 as an apprentice school of various apprentice courses which were changing according to the needs and establishment of new vocational schools being detached. Initially being aimed just at theoretical education of craft apprentices the school was then transformed to a fully organised secondary arts and crafts school providing its students with both theoretical education and vocational training, with new courses of study added to the existing ones. For a couple of years it had a status of a secondary vocational school of local industry management because of the craft courses providing electric appliances and machinery servicemen for the city of Bratislava.


Since 1982 it was focused on two categories of arts and crafts courses:

  • Arts and crafts courses of study which educated and trained students to make artworks and works of a particular artistic style according to art designs or historical models from metal, wood, stone and stucco materials;
  • Scenic art courses, graduates of which performed stage setting for movies, theatres and television programmes – decorators, make-up artists, theatrical shoemakers and tailors.


Turns in the social, economic and cultural development of the society after 1989 brought some new quality and quantity requirements for the graduates of the above mentioned courses, labour market changed its demands for the graduates of the individual courses which, together with the restructuring of school system, led to revaluation of the structure of school courses, changes in profiles of the graduates from particular courses, forms and the content of education of the learners. The new school profile brought transformation of the original secondary apprentice school to the present secondary school of scenic arts and crafts. The transformation has gradually caused total elimination of three-year apprentice courses and related courses of “superstructure studies” and has led to educating learners only within the framework of courses of study of a secondary art school.


Nowadays we are educating learners within the framework of the THEATRE, FILM AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION school educational programme/curriculum in the following courses:

  • mask Scenic arts and crafts – make-up design,
  • kostym Scenic arts and crafts – costume design,
  • malba Scenic arts and crafts – decorative painting and art design,
  • zlat Artistic processing of metals and gemstones – goldsmithery and silversmithery,
  • tech Scenic arts and crafts – stage construction and design,
  • anim Animation production.



In April 2005 the school was awarded by IES certificate, enabling it to provide its graduates with worldwide accepted international education certificates of the completion of particular courses of study at this school.


During its existence, about 12 000 students have graduated from both apprentice and study courses. Today, there are approximately 350 students and about 80 graduates every year. All the graduates have the opportunity to successfully enter the professional labour market. Despite competitive conditions, a lot of graduates are hired in the neighbouring EU countries, particularly in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic. Among the most notable graduates are Veronika Hložníková, František Mikloško, Michaela Doubeková – leading fashion designers, Albert Vlk – the director of famous TV series entitled Dedičstvo (Inheritance), Druhý dych (The Second Breath), Prvé oddelenie (The First Department), Odsúdené (The Condemned), also Martin Kiss Horňanský, Lenka Šoóšová, Roman Haša, Braňo Hromek /Alex/, Klára Surdusová – popular make-up artists working for TV companies, Tomáš Frolo (currently being a member of the teacher staff), Jana Grancová and Radoslav Kafka – young fine artists whose exhibitions have already been held both in Slovakia and abroad, Vladimír Vanko (also a member of the teacher staff) – very successful illustrator of the books for all age groups and a wide variety of specialized publications, Tomáš Achs - "the blacksmith of the president", who forged the swords for both George W. Bush, the president of the United states at that time and Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia on the occasion of their visit to Slovakia.


The interest of pupils in enrolment at our school is so high that in many courses of study it exceeds the possibility of being accepted several times. The teacher staff consider this fact being not only the appreciation of their work but also a commitment to boost their creativity and increase the quality of the graduates from the school. This is our specific contribution to the humanisation of our society by means of extraordinary beauty of scenic arts.